Privacy Policy

Thank you for visiting the website of Al Ain Sport Club. By accessing this website you agree to follow the terms and conditions set out on this page (the “Terms of Use”). Please read them carefully.

Use the website Appropriately

Use our website the way it is meant to be used. That is, do not try to interfere with its security features, stop other people from accessing it, or damage or vandalize the information on it. We take these matters seriously and will refer them to law enforcement.

Everything on our website is protected by copyright law. Accessing and viewing the content we provide to you does not give you any ownership or rights in it. This means that you cannot use content you find on our website in any way unless you get written permission from the person that owns it, which in most cases is Al Ain Sport Club. That includes logos, charts, and pictures as well as any text on the website or in a file we provide on the website.

If you want to request permission to use something from our website, you can contact us at . We will do our best to get back to you quickly and accommodate your request. If the content you want to use is owned by someone else, we will let you know that as well.

Content on the website

Most of the content on the website belongs to Al Ain Sport Club. Some of the content we provide, however, may come from other sources. Content on our website that is not provided by Al Ain Sport Club is the sole responsibility of the person or group that provided that content. If you are not sure if a specific piece of content is being provided by Al Ain Sport Club or some other party, contact us at and we will let you know. When we provide you with content not owned by Al Ain Sport Club, either on our website or in a link to another website not owned by Al Ain Sport Club, it is because we wanted to provide you with information that might be relevant to your interests in Al Ain Sport Club. It does not mean that the views in this content are Al Ain Sport Club. Likewise, if we reference a company, product, or service that is not provided by Al Ain Sport Club on our website, it is intended to be informative and does not mean that Al Ain Sport Club endorses or recommends it. What We Collect from You When You Visit the website We collect two kinds of information from you when you visit the website. First, we collect any information you voluntarily provide to us. For example, if you fill out the web form on our “Contact Us” page, we collect that information. Second, we automatically collect some information from you that are related to how you are accessing the website. For example, we collect the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the domain you use to access the internet, the date and time you access our site, the pages you visit, and the Internet address of the web site from which you linked directly to our site, as well as other similar features that are useful to us in providing the best possible content to you. This information is not shared with anyone beyond the support staff for this web site, except when required by law or other law enforcement authorities, and is used only as a source of anonymous statistical information.

Limitation of Our Liability

We provide the website to you on an “as is” basis. We do not give you any warranties or guarantees about how the website will work, the availability of the website, or whether you can get results from the website. Likewise, none of the third parties that provide any of the content on the website give you any warranties about how it will work, its availability, or any results you can get from it. Any liability related to the quality and performance of the website, or the accuracy or completeness of the content on the website, belongs to you. We are not liable for any acts or damages that arise out of your use of the website in any way. We are not liable for any acts or damages that arise out of your inability to use the website in any way. Likewise, none of the third parties that provide any of the content on the website are liable for any acts or damages that arise out of your use, or inability to use, the website either. If you violate the Terms of Use and another person or entity brings a legal claim against Al Ain Sport Club, its affiliates, or their respective officers, directors, owners, agents, information providers, or copyright owners (together, the “Al Ain Sport Club Parties”) as a result of your violation, you are required to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Al Ain Sport Club Parties for that legal claim.

About These Terms of Use

By using the website, you agree to the Terms of Use on this page. If you do not agree with these Terms of Use, do not use the website. We may change these Terms of Use from time to time, so please check this page regularly. We reserve the right to end your use of the website at any time, for any reason, without notice or liability to us. If you violate any of the Terms of Use, and we do not take action right away, that does not mean we accept your conduct or agree to not take action in the future. If there is any dispute between you and Al Ain Sport Club about or related to the Terms of Use, the laws of the United Arab Emirates (and, as applicable, the Emirate of Abu Dhabi) will apply to the dispute. If there is any dispute, it will be settled before the Abu Dhabi civil courts. Of course, if you break the law by attempting to tamper with or disrupt the website, that will be handled by law enforcement and the criminal courts. If you have any questions about the Terms of Use, contact us at and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

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