Kodjo Fo-Doh Laba reaches the goal number 101 and scores a “hat-trick”

The Boss” scores five goals in Khor Fakkan’s net

The Boss” starts their journey in ADNOC Pro League tournament by claiming a deserved victory over their guest team of Khor Fakkan. This victory comes in the match that brought the two teams together in today’s evening on Hazza Bin Zayed Stadium, during the first round of competitions of the local tournament.

The first half of the match’s time was over with Al-Ain in the lead over their guest team of Khor Fakkan with the score of 2-0

Alejandro Sebastián Romero Gamarra (Kaku) scored for Al-Ain in the minute of “12”. Then Soufiane Rahimi scored in the minute of “40”. In the match’s second half, the team’s forward player, Kodjo Fo-Doh Laba, reached his goal number 101 in the Pro League tournament after he managed to score three goals in the “54/60/72” minutes.

With this victory, Al-Ain claims three points, while Khor Fakkan’s score of points remains empty.

Al-Ain 5

Goals: Alejandro Sebastián Romero Gamarra (Kaku) scored for Al-Ain in minute “12” – Soufiane Rahimi scored in minute “40” – Kodjo Fo-Doh Laba scores three goals in minutes “54/60/72”

Lineups: Khalid Eissa, Bandar Al Ahbabi, Fábio Rafael Rodrigues Cardoso, Kouame Autonne, Khalid Batti, Park Yong Woo, Mohammed Abbas, Matías Damián Palacios, Soufiane Rahimi, Alejandro Romero Gamarra (Kaku), and Kodjo Fo-Doh Laba

Substitutions:  Abdoul Karim Traoré enters as a substitute for Bandar Al-Ahbabi in the minute of “63” – Sékou Baba Gassama enters as a substitute for Soufiane Rahimi in the minute of “63” – Matías Emanuel Segovia Torales enters as a substitute for Mohammed Abbas in the minute of “75” – Mateo Sanabria enters as a substitute for Kodjo Fo-Doh Laba in the minute of “75” – Ahmed Barman enters as a substitute for Park Yong Woo in the minute of “83”

Yellow Cards: Bandar Al-Ahbabi in the minute of “5” – Mohammed Abbas in the minute of “61”

Red Cards: N/A

Khor Fakkan 1

Goals: Jonathan Viera Ramos in minute “63”

Lineups: Ahmed Hamdan, Abdullah Faisal Nassir, Massoud Salman, Kwon Kyung-won, Pedro Javier Pavlov, Mattheus de Andrade Gama de Oliveira, Jonathan Viera Ramos, Erwin Alexander Quintana Escobar, Sultan Al-Shamsi, Lourency do Nascimento Rodrigues, Ayman Rashouq.

Substitutions: Mohammed Al-Junabi enters as a substitute for Sultan Al-Shamsi in the minute of “46” – Usama Nur Aldeen enters as a substitute for Erwin Alexander Quintana Escobar in the minute of “70” – Fabrício Yan Peixoto Barros Limeira enters as a substitute for Ayman Rashouq in the minute of “70” – Saeed Ahmed Abdullah enters as a substitute for Mattheus de Andrade Gama de Oliveira in the minute of “70” – Brian Aramis Ramírez enters as a substitute for Lourency do Nascimento Rodrigues in the minute of “78”

Yellow Cards:  Lourency do Nascimento Rodrigues in the minute of “10” – Mattheus de Andrade Gama de Oliveira in the minute of “42”

Red Cards: N/A


The match was led by Sultan Abdul Razzaq as the “pitch referee,” assisted him on pitch lines Mohammed Al-Mazi as the “first assistant referee,” Qais Al-Khadim as the “second assistant referee,” Rashid Abdullah Mohammed as the “fourth referee,” Ahmed Al-Naqabi as the “VAR referee,” Jassim Al-Ajami as the “assistant VAR referee,” and the match commissioner was Mohammed Al-Hammadi.