We are taking on one match every three to four days.. I will also be allowing the opportunity for everyone here to prove themselves and to show us what they can do on the pitch

Vladimir “Vladan” Ivić: My strategy of play is considered an internal affair within the club and it is not intended to be shared with the media outlets

Our team’s players are understanding my insights of play very well.. As for the ambition, it has amounted up to the highest levels possible

I do not prefer to talk about the injured players with the media outlets.. And our concentration is now focused on the total readiness of our team

Through his speech at the introductory press conference for the match that will be brining his team together with Ittihad Kalba football team, Vladimir “Vladan” Ivić, who is the Serbian head football manager of Al Ain first football team, said the following statement:“We have started to prepare ourselves for the match that will be taking place on Thursday, the day after tomorrow, vs Ittihad Kalba football team, where we have discussed some points and those aspects which we have to keep improving withing our squad of players. We are also required to keep up with the performance that we have showed up while taking on our previous match vs Al Bataeh football team and to keep claiming more and more positive results out of our upcoming matches. We have also been talking about the Ittihad Kalab football team which is considered a very good competing team and a squad that is comprised of some distinguished players, especially in the forward side of football, but we will be taking on this upcoming match on our pitch and among our fans, so we are required to claim the match’s three points and to keep claiming more and more positive results out of our upcoming matches.”

Commenting on a question over the strategy of play he will be adopting for the team’s upcoming match vs Ittihad Kalba football team on Thursday, Vladimir “Vladan” Ivić said the following statement: “The strategy we will be adopting for our upcoming matches is consider an internal affair within the club, which is being discussed internally within the team only, so I do not wish to share our insights with the media outlets.”

Over the injured players and the expected absent players from the team’s squad, as well as the sate of readiness of his squad on the mental and physical level to take on their upcoming match on Thursday vs Ittihad Kalba football team, Vladimir “Vladan” Ivić said the following statement: “As for the injured players, this is also something that is considered among the matters that I do not wish to talk about with the media outlets. As for the tactical side of football, our players do understand very well what is required from them and they are carrying out the instructions during the official training sessions as required, they are also well aware of how to perform within all lines of play in addition to comprehending the forward and defensive transformations of play all alike. As for the physical state of the squad player, we do play one match every three or four days, which means that we will be allowing the opportunity for more players within our squad to participate in our upcoming matches for the sake of dividing the physical exerted effort, especially that we have an upcoming match in the AFC Champions League football tournament, so we will be allowing the chance for all players for the sake of showing up their capabilities and to exhibit their skills when they have the opportunity to play within the ranks of our team’s starting lineups of players.”

Over the injured and absent players as well as the state of readiness of his team on the mental and physical levels, the Serbian head coach of Al Ain first football team, Vladimir “Vladan” Ivić, explained the matter through the following statement:

“I do not wish to speak about the injured players with the media outlets. As for the tactical matters, our squad players are well aware of what is required from them and they are carrying out the instructions during the team’s official training sessions as required.They are also well aware of how to deal with the different lines of play as well as the forward and defensive transformations of play.As for the physical matters, we do playing one match every three to four days, which means that we will be giving the opportunity to a larger number of players to participate in our upcoming matches for the sake of diving the exerted physical effort of our squad players.We also have an upcoming match at the AFC Champions League football tournament to take on, so we will be keen to grant the opportunity for the sake of showing up their capabilities and to exhibit their skills when they have the available opportunity to play among the ranks of the starting lineups of players.”

Over how harmonious the players are with his insights of play, Vladimir “Vladan” Ivić said the following statement: “I can see that the players are totally understanding my insights and what I ask them to do. Of course, it is too early to talk about some matters, but I am totally satisfied with my squad of players, as well as over the exerted efforts of everyone here and their desire to keep improving.”