The boss of Asia inaugurates the new season with the internal assembly and the medical checks at Barjeel Royal hospital

The team’s doctor emphasizes on the great importance of the medical checks before taking on the training sessions

On today’s morning, the first football team at Al-Ain football club continues their preparatory program during the internal assembly stage, which had been inaugurated on yesterday’s morning with the medial checks, that had been underwent by the players of “Al-Zaeem” at Barjeel Royal hospital at the city of Al-Ain. This hospital is the medical partner with the club according to a specific schedule that regulates the timing of each group’s attendance separately to perform the medical checks under the supervision of the first team’s doctor Nicholas and a group of specialized doctors at Barjeel hospital.

The member of the board of directors of Al-Ain football company, Mohammed Saif Al-Katibi, was keen to follow up the regulatory procedures for the medical checks, which included a full medical evaluation that consists of the detailed health history for each player separately, as well as the electrocardiography using twelve electrodes and echocardiography, in addition to a number of blood screening tests. These medical checks were attended by doctor Khalfan Al-Shamsi the chief executive officer and Ahmed Al-Shamsi, the team’s manager, as well as several other official from the team’s medical staff during the internal assembly stage.

Al-Ain first football team’s doctor, Nicholas Tzoroudis, emphasized on the importance of the training medical checks before inaugurating and commencing the training sessions, which will start after the recent stoppage period, explaining: “I wish that the results of the medical checks related to the medical condition of the players would come out as required, especially that the team is awaiting, in the new upcoming season, several exceptional challenges at several football tournaments that “Al-Zaeem” will be taking on, which will require that the team starts with the most appropriate and powerful manner so that this great football club can realize the aspirations of the leadership and fans on the local and external level.”

He went on: “As you already know, the special procedure related to the medical checks is a mandatory requirement from the football confederation, which is something that needs to be conducted before the onset of the upcoming new season to evaluate the medical condition of all players before commencing the training sessions after the resting period that came after the conclusion of the past football season.”